Our Action Plan

Ser No Issue/Opportunity Preferred Solutions Agreed Lead Progress
  Environmental Enrichment        
EE.1 Minerva Drive entrance to Goodwood Recreation Ground (GRG) floods, sycamore trees heavily infested by ivy and damaged when beech tree fell and gating unattractive. ➢    Relay vehicle access road to provide better drainage. Yes Watford Council Parks Dept Council has agreed to:
➢    Move gate further down drive to allow vehicles to pull off road while opening. ➢    to relay path and move gate FY 09/10
➢    Kill off ivy and lop or remove trees that overhang adjacent property. ➢    to provide improved signs FY 10/11
➢    Maintain environment that encourages propagation of existing bluebell beds. ➢    Continue maintain a bluebell friendly environment.
➢    Provide improved signs and information about the park. One of the trees has snapped off half way up in Nov 09 storms (has now been felled); Council arboreal specialist has inspected and agreed to deal with ivy and consider lopping of trees.
EE.2 Goodwood Avenue entrance to GRG is frequently obstructed by vehicles, the gateway/fencing is damaged, shrubs are overgrown in the entrance and the area is a haven for miscreants. ➢    Undergrowth adjacent to the entrance to be cut back to provide an open view of the entrance. Yes Watford Council Parks Dept Council has:
➢    Existing fencing to be replaced by a more appropriate entrance structure that facilitates pushchair access but inhibits access by motorbikes/cars. ➢    Cut back the undergrowth adjacent to entrance.
➢    Access road parking arrangements need to be reviewed to ensure local residents can access their properties whilst providing a safe pedestrian access to the park. ➢    Has agreed to replace entry gating.
  Council will:
  ➢    Review the use and parking arrangements in the access road.
  ➢    Consider the installation of a street light.
  ➢    Consider improvements to paving required.
EE.3 Outside the mown area of the GRG there is significant quantities of overgrown laurel, some of the shrubs and trees need pruning to make safe and there is an absence of summer colour. ➢    A sustained program to reduce the invasive laurel to an acceptable level. Yes Watford Council Parks Dept ➢    Council has incorporated long term activities into park maintenance plan.
➢    A review of the existing shrubs with pruning, replacement and supplementary planting where appropriate. ➢    Will review options to improve summer colour FY 10/11
➢    Provide an area devoted to summer flowering shrubs and plants to provide seasonal colour.  
EE.4 Footpath access to the wooded part of GRG is prone to waterlogging and is largely unusable in winter preventing this being used as a safe (off road) route to Holy Rood School. There is significant quantities of old litter 'embedded' in the woodland. ➢    The surface of the path to be improved to facilitate all year use by parents and school children. Yes Watford Council Parks Dept ➢    Council has improved parts with use of gravel chips which has helped stabilised path. Further work is needed.
➢    A deep clean of the woodland should be undertaken each winter when the undergrowth die-back fully exposes this problem.   CRA lead with Watford Council support ➢    CRA to arrange a 'Spring Clean ' Day in Jan/Feb using local residents. (Engage Schools in activity?)
EE.5 Inadequate and/or wrongly positioned rubbish bins and dog latrines. ➢    Provide additional Rubbish bins to support new play area and youth shelter. Yes Council Parks Dept ➢    Additional Rubbish bins installed.
➢    Re-site Dog Loo at Minerva Drive entrance to where the paths join (at old playground site) and provide additional loo at entrance opposite Holy Rood School. ➢    Dog Loos to be re-sited/provided FY 09/10.
EE.6 Progressive loss of trees lining roads as old or inappropriately sized trees are removed across the area. ➢    Replanting of trees where practical and provision of additional trees in roads currently devoid of planting. Pending ? To be addressed by CRA Committee as initiative for National Tree Planting Week 2009
EE.7 Footpaths are not adequately signposted to encourage local residents to use. ➢    Signposting of paths through GRG, Goodwood Ave to Hempstead Road, and through the Dell. Pending ? To be addressed by CRA Committee.
  Community Safety        
CS.1 Persistent gathering of youths in the vicinity of Courtlands Shopping Parade with under-age drinking and drug taking/trading. ➢    Installation of CCTV on the corner of Goodwood Avenue and Courtlands Drive with sight lines to cover the full frontage of the Parade and the entrance to Goodwood Avenue. Yes Police supported by Watford Council ➢    Financial provision for 2 cameras agreed.
➢    Position for the first 2 cameras agreed and property owners permission obtained
➢    Installation of additional camera adjacent to the tunnel vent at the back of the Parade providing sight-lines to entrance to park, youth shelter and the private parking area to the rear of the shops.     ➢    Funding for the 3rd camera identified but must be agreed.
➢    Way-leaves and permission for the 3rd camera required.
➢    The pruning of trees and shrubs to ensure camera observation is not obscured and to facilitate observation by police patrols.     ➢    Council has undertaken initial clearance of undergrowth and will complete once cameras installed and additional work identified.
➢    High visibility patrolling by the police to discourage youths from loitering in this area.     ➢    Police have identified the area as a hot-spot and provided increased resources to help tackle the problem.
➢    Installation of street light adjacent to the Goodwood Avenue entrance to the GRG.     ➢    Installation of street light to be considered as part of the enabling works for the installation of the 3rd camera.
CS.2 Ownership of the land to the rear of the south side of Courtlands Shopping Parade is not estabvlished and residents and visitors are exploiting this. The road surface is poor, unlit, contaminated with oil and generally unsafe as a pedestrian access to the GRG and is a hidey-hole for miscreants. ➢    The Council take ownership of the land and set in train a plan to improve the access, safety and security of this area. Yes Watford Council ➢    The provision of a 3rd camera (C.1) will provide improved observation of this area.
➢    It is now (Nov 09) established that the Council own the access road up to the entrance to the GRG and the land surrounding the tunnel vent.
➢    Ownership of the parking area beyond this point is not yet established.
➢    The land around the tunnel vent has been fenced off and is being used by one of the tenants illegally. The Council is to resolve this issue.
➢    Council to cost options for improving the condition of the access road and to seek funding in FY10/11 for necessary work.
CS.3 The large tunnel vent adjacent to the children's play area in GRG is a target for graffiti and has been damaged by the removal of bricks to create a 'climbing wall'. Current fence alignment creates a dead area between vent and adjacent gardens which is used as a hidey-hole (fencing and trees have been destroyed by fires set in this area). ➢    Planting that would inhibit easy access to the wall (Pyrocantha?) and possible realignment of boundary fence to prevent access between vent and adjacent gardens. No Council ➢    Whilst problem persists regular maintenance by Network Rail of the Vent brickwork has minimized this issue.
➢    The new play area and shelter have drawn the youths away from this feature.
CS.4 Recent evidence of people gathering adjacent to wooded area on Russell Lane. Lamppost snapped off and left lying on ground and power supply exposed; coffee cups and other litter lying around. ➢    County Council to repair Lamppost Yes Herts CC ➢    Lamppost damage reported, power supply made safe and broken post removed.
➢    Police to note new meeting area – could be displaced persons from Courtlands Parade. Police ➢    Litter cleared.
➢    CRA to maintain vigilance on activity in area. CRA ➢    Police informed of site.
CS.5 Parking around Courtlands Shopping Parade is chaotic with the entrance to Goodwood Avenue frequently severely restricted; particularly on Thursday and Friday evenings between 1700 and 1930. Many vehicles access Goodwood Avenue simply to execute a U-turn at the junction of Minerva Drive and then return needlessly increasing the vehicle use in this narrow residential road ➢    Additional off-road parking to be provided. In part CRA ➢    Work in FY 08/09 increased the number of parking slots and provided a loading bay.
➢    Change layout of entrance to Goodwood to stop parking within 15 to 25m of the junction ➢    However, still insufficient to support level of activity around take away food outlets.
➢    Enforcement of the current parking restrictions at key times. ➢    '6 month' review of effectiveness of the initial road changes is still outstanding.
➢    Consider creating turning circle where Parade service road crosses Goodwood Avenue thereby reducing traffic in residential stretch. ➢    Police requested to press 'Parking Shop' to target this area at key times.
➢    Review the appropriateness of changes so far.  
CS.6 The delivery and collection of children to Holy Rood School generates a significant amount of through traffic at school opening and closing times. The ability of the local roads to support the number of cars that enter, park and depart is questionable. ➢    Any further growth to the school should be stopped until a more acceptable traffic management and parking regime is instituted.     ➢    Current Plans to extend the buildings in Summer 2010 will displace staff vehicles from the existing car park and exacerbate the situation.
➢    Parents of children in the school should be encouraged to car share, additional school bus routes should be instituted to reduce vehicle numbers, 'walking bus' plans should be revamped and encouraged. ➢    Improving the path through the GRG will encourage more parents to walk to and from the school.
➢    Parking restrictions around the school need to be reviewed to improve the safety of the current arrangements and, if possible, identify additional facilities. ➢    CRA to discuss with Head options to improve the situation.
  ➢    Police to brief Head on school's responsibility to have a transport plan that is viable and agreed with the local community.
CS.7 The Beaver Public House. ➢    Encourage the Beaver PH to develop as a family friendly centre for the local community. Pending CRA  
  Activities and Education        
AE.1 Improve provision of children's play areas. ➢    Refurbish/replace GRG play park. Yes Council ➢    The GRG play park has been replaced with a modern facility. However, the boundary fence needs realigning to improve access for grass cutting and increase provision of dog free play area.
➢    North Watford Playing field has no provision of facilities for young children. No CRA ➢    Bid for provision of play area.
AE.2 Improve provision of youth activities and social support. ➢    Provide Youth shelter in GRG. Yes Police/ ➢    Youth shelter installed Sep 09.
➢    Provide football/basketball facility in GRG. Yes Council ➢    Ground Works seeking external source of funding to provide structured sports facility.
AE.3 Improve disabled access to community services and resources. ➢    Wheelchair access to GRG from Goodwood Avenue restricted and access from Greenbanks near impossible. Yes Council ➢    Access from Goodwood will be improved in refurbishment of this entrance.
➢    Disabled/wheelchair access from Greenbanks will require significant works and awaits funding.
AE.4 Engage local schools in the development of activities. ➢    Seek support for annual 'Fun Day' event from Holy Rood and Orchard Schools. Yes CRA ➢    Both schools supported 2009 Fun Day and plan to continue this level of engagement.
➢    Discuss with Heads the possibility of using the GRG to support the delivery of the national curriculum.
➢    Initiate and fund where necessary other activities using the GRG as a resource. Yes CRA ➢    Plan and fund Easter Egg Hunt for 2010.
➢    Consider Halloween event for 2010.
➢    Support and advertise the activities of the Play Rangers.
AE.5 Engage community in developing activities that improve social cohesion. ➢    Annual Fun Day Yes CRA ➢    Date set and bookings made with key supporting activities for 2010 event.
➢    Support any planned street party. Pending CRA ➢    Whilst we may not wish to initiate street parties we should support any organised with funding as appropriate and assist in their organisation and execution.
AE.6 Improve the provision of opportunities for a fit and healthy population. ➢    Identify and publicise short walks in and around the area suitable for dog walking and maintaining general fitness. Yes CRA ➢    To be done.
➢    Identify and publicise as suitable daily jogging route. Yes CRA ➢    To be done.
➢    Provide an outdoor fitness circuit in GRG. Yes Council ➢    Discussed with Council and agreed as an aspiration but currently there is no financial provision.
➢    Publicise the availability of swimming and other sports facilities in the local area. Yes CRA ➢    To be done.
  Access and Built Environment        
AB.1 The paving in front of Courtlands Shopping Parade has been dug up and inadequately relaid, there is some subsidence and the general appearance of the area is 'shoddy'. ➢    Have the area relaid with a more attractive finish and the inclusion of some trees and flower beds to improve the visual appearance. No CRA ➢    Include as part of review of parking provision and access issues to Goodwood Avenue.
AB.2 The Council owned access road from Goodwood Avenue to the GRG is in poor condition and presents a H&S hazard to those accessing the GRG and residents. ➢    Road to be adequately maintained and parking restrictions reviewed to ensure safe access to properties and GRG. Yes Council ➢    X-refer CS.2
AB.3 The Bus Shelter opposite the Beaver Public House is aligned in such a way that it does not provide shelter from the prevailing weather. Given the high number of senior citizens who use this stop the provision of seating is inappropriate and insufficient. ➢    Seek to have a more appropriate shelter installed by the provider. Yes CRA ➢    Funding application to the better communities fund has initiated approach to Bus Shelter provider to see what options are available
  Community Engagement        
CE.1 Develop sense of community within the CRA area. ➢    Active Residents Association Yes CRA ➢    Well supported RA formed in 2007.
➢    Discussion with adjacent RAs to close gaps and make the CRA more representative of local area.
➢    Community Newsletter Yes CRA ➢    Newsletter issued twice a year; latest Oct 09
➢    Website Yes CRA ➢    Website established Nov 09.
➢    Continue to develop and advertise presence.
CE.2 Liaison with local schools ➢    Consider inviting Head/Chair of Governors from Holy Rood and Orchard primary Schools to CRA Meetings Pending CRA ➢    Informal contact only so far on specific issues.